پیکربندی DMVPN
Let me explain this topology to you:
Let me explain this topology to you:
In this tutorial I will demonstrate how you can move your virtual machine from one datastore on another using VMWare ESX 5 using the Vsphere client. Before you start make sure that the virtual machine that you want to move has been powered off.
In my example I have two datastores, one of 300 GB and the other one is 600 GB. I want to move a VM from the 600 GB drive to the 300 GB drive.
Click on your ESXi host and select Configuration > Datastore where your VM is located and click on Browse Datastore.
The Virtual Switching System (VSS) allows two Cisco Catalyst 6500 or 4500 chassis to bond together so that is seen as a single virtual swich to the rest of the network. Other devices will see the VSS configured 6500 as a single device which means it’s possible to use multi chassis etherchannel and protocols like spanning-tree will only see a single switch.
Some other features are NSF (Non Stop Forwarding) / SSO (Stateful Switchover) which means that when a single chassis fails the other one will take over without any downtime since the routing table / CEF table etc. are stored in both chassis’ supervisors.
Another cool feature is EFSU (Enhanced Fast Software Upgrade) which allows you to upgrade the IOS version without any downtime.
In this tutorial I will be using two Cisco Catalyst 6504 switches with 720-10G VSS supervisors to show you how to configure VSS and verify that it’s working.
دو لینک زیر مربوط به دوره های ICND 1 و ICND 2 نسخه 2012 می باشد که آخرین تغییرات این دوره ها در آن اعمال شده است.
2012 - CCENT-CCNA - ICND1 640-822 -Third Edition .rar - 7.6 MB
2012 - CCENT-CCNA - ICND2 640-816 -Third Edition .rar - 8.4 MB
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