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Server 2012 New Features

Server 2012 New Features

There is no doubt that Cloud Computing is hot topic these days. Innovations in cloud computing models have made every industry and company IT departments to re-think their traditional model of computing. Realizing the benefits and challenges of cloud computing, Microsoft have jumped into the game of Cloud computing by releasing a cloud optimized server operating system called Windows Server 2012.

Windows Server 2012 has dozens of new features and services that makes it cloud ready. Windows Server 2012 R2 is the latest version of server operating system from Microsoft and successor of Server 2012.

Lets take a look at some of the new features Windows Server 2012 now supports:

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تغییر محدودیت تعداد دفعات join شدن به دامین برای نام های کاربری

تغییر محدودیت تعداد دفعات join شدن به دامین برای نام های کاربری


By default, Windows 2000 allows authenticated users to join ten machine accounts to the domain. If a user attempts to join an eleventh machine account, the error messages listed in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base Article are displayed:
251335 Domain users cannot join workstation or server to a domain
This default was implemented to prevent misuse, but can be overridden by an administrator by making a change to an object in Active Directory.

Note that users in the Administrators or Domain Administrators groups, and those users who have delegated permissions on containers in Active Directory to create and delete computer accounts, are not restricted by this limitation

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